The diagnostic tests are integral to the Individualized Oral Health Profiling protocol (BAFC+A), but they are available individually if required.

MELISA (Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay)
Foreign materials to the body, such as dental materials, can cause a late-type allergic reactions (type IV). T-Cells identify these materials as “non-self” and trigger an immune response against them. This type of allergy has a delayed onset – 48 hours or more and can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
The test can provide the answer if:
- An existing dental material can potentially cause a low-grade immune response, and it must be replaced.
- for future treatment, which dental materials are well tolerated by the immune system.
The human mouth is the place in the body with the most foreign materials. These are a few examples of materials with various allergenic effects:
- metals (gold, silver, palladium, cobalt, nickel, copper, chrome, mercury and alloys of these metals)
- acrylics (HEMA, TAGMA, BISGMA, methylmethacrylate)
- prosthetic materials (PMMA, MMA)
- composite materials and cement containing acrylics
- endodontic materials (root canal filling materials such as raw guttapercha, eugenol, kolophonium, paraformaldehyde)
- Titanium implants
Note: This diagnostic method required blood sampling.
Oral Microbiome analysis
The oral microbiome contains over 600 types of bacteria, different in pathogenicity. They are categorized into color-coded groups, of particular interest being red- and orange-complex bacteria.
This test provides a detailed analysis of the oral bacteria types, concentration, and imbalances. Mouth proliferation of certain types of bacteria, such Helicobacter pilory (H. Pylori) can cause gastritis as well as gastric or duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. Others cause disruptions of periodontal health (Porphyromonas gingivalis), the leading cause of tooth loss.
This test lies at the foundation of the oral microbiome rebalancing therapy, as well as periodontal disease treatment, oral cancer prevention protocol, and gut microbiota modulation (reverse microbial gut dysbiosis).
Note: This diagnostic method requires saliva sampling.
Intra-oral scanning and Time Lapse analysis
It is a novel technique of digitizing the mouth using an optical scanner, recording 3D images of the teeth and gums with a micron precision accuracy. When two or more scans are available, the Time Lapse function allows for visualizing and measuring the most minute changes. With this diagnostic technique, it is possible to identify trends toward developing pathology, hence the possibility of minimally invasive prevention. This technique is also particularly valuable in monitoring children’s jaws and teeth growth, allowing for less invasive orthodontics (interceptive orthodontics).
Trends identified using this diagnostic tool are:
- Tooth wear
- Gum recession
- Tooth movement
- Tissue changes
- Restoration failure
- Jaw joints abnormalities
Laser-induced Autofluorescence
Healthy tissues have the natural capability of autofluorescence due to the content of biomolecules called fluorophores (porphyrins, amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine, and the coenzymes NADH, NADPH, and flavins). Autofluorescence can be visualized in different spectrums of color. For instance, bacteria related to dental caries and periodontal disease exhibit red autofluorescence, healthy teeth, and soft tissue structures exhibit different shades of green autofluorescence, while pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions in oral soft tissues exhibit loss of autofluorescence properties (they “reflect” black).
The autofluorescence imaging is non-invasive and is widely used in many medical specialties. Its application in dentistry is of particular interest since the aggression on oral mucosas or tooth structures can be easily visualized. The technologies we use for non-invasive autofluorescence stimulation are Zeiss Extaro 300 augmented visualisation and VELscope Vx system.
Exfoliative Cytology (OralCDx)
It is a non-invasive analysis of cells from superficial layers of the skin and oral mucosa. OralCdX is an intraorally brush biopsy method with computer-assisted sample analysis, which we use to confirm the diagnosis of suspected pre-cancerous lesions and their histopathologic characteristics.
This diagnostic technique is complementary to the Autofluorescence augmented visualization, enhancing the specificity of the results.
Oral Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus. There are more than 200 strains of HPV; HPV 16 is of particular interest because it is the leading cause of oropharyngeal cancers, primarily located on the tonsils, tonsillar crypt, and at the base of the tongue.
Note. This diagnostic method requires blood sampling.
Bite Equilibration
Occlusal Splint Therapy and Jaw Joints/Muscle stabilisation
The equilibrium between the way teeth contact each other (the Occlusion) and the jaw joint geometry significantly influences the head and neck muscle tonus, head posture, and teeth’ long-term structural stability. The most stable jaw joint position – Centric Relation – is sometimes lost in time due to tooth movements, wear, or periodontal instability. Finding the balance between all the components is achieved through a computerized analysis of the bite – T-Scan – on a deprogramming/relaxation occlusal splint fabricated based on the jaw joints’ geometry. The therapy relieves the joints, teeth, and muscles and the occlusal “key” (the optimum bite) for any future restorative or orthodontic treatments.
Note. This diagnostic and therapeutic method requires multiple appointments in our practice.
Viome Body Intelligence and Biological Age
This comprehensive test determines the body’s biological age and enables personalized nutrition. It is an AI-based microbiome test that provides a comprehensive report on 50+ Health Score biomarkers with a primary focus on the following:
- Biological Age
- Gut Health
- Oral Health Intelligence
- Cellular & Energy Efficiency
- Inflammatory Response
- Brain & Cognitive Health
- Immune System Health
- Heart & Cardiometabolic Health
Based on these results, custom-made probiotic supplements can be provided. For more information: